Garments with buckles, decorative bands, eyelets or other details should always be treated with extra care! Colored garments should always be washed separately. Especially red garments that often contain a little excess color! Always remove any laces and leather straps. Laundry shoes by the beach

Woolen clothing

To begin with, one should be as careful as possible with the washing of wool, often then one goes very far with dry brushing and ventilation. The wool fiber has such properties that dirt and odor do not penetrate it but stay on the surface. That's why weathering works so well on woolen garments.

There are a couple of good methods for washing woolen garments.

Snow Laundry

Put the garment in the snow, preferably at least -10 °. Leave it there for a few hours, then rub it properly with snow. Hang up on a whip stand and whip it just fine. Then bring in to plant dry.

Stains Advantageously

stains are removed with a little gold soap or hair shampoo.

Hair shampoo

Shampoo is actually very good for wool, as it preserves any fat that remains in the fiber. Take some and work gently into the stain, then rinse with almost cold water, max 30 °. Shampoo can also be used for whole garments. Then soak the garment together with a little shampoo max 30 °. Rinse a few times.


wash Machine wash is the worst method to wash woolen garments, but usually it is good to do machine wash at 30 ° and some kind of fine wash or wool program. Try to avoid ordinary detergents and always wash colored garments separately. Some risk of shrinkage


Remove excess water by rolling the garment hard in a towel. Then always dry the garments flat, not hanging.

Clothes made of linen fabric

Concordantiae caritatis (Stiftsbibliothek Lilienfeld 151, fol. 224v), c. 1349-1351 Linen is much easier to wash than wool is. The linen is actually tolerated to boil but today maybe regular machine washing is more common. If one can choose then it is an advantage not to spin the garments as they will wear out more.

Pre-soak the garments in cold water for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight before washing as they will be a little less stiff.

Stretch tightly in freshly washed wet garments and let them hang on a hanger and dry, for example. Stretch them both in length and width, do not forget to stretch arms as well. Undergarments (badges & tunics) smooth out well after wearing them for a while, and the garments get softer if you don't iron them. The heat of the body softens the fibers and you get a reasonably smooth and soft result. However, overalls and finer dresses may feel fun to have iron-smooth? If you want really soft garments, drying is good, but it wears a bit more on the garments. It becomes even softer if you are missing.

In order for colored garments to stay nice in color, they should be washed at as low a temperature as possible and as rarely as possible, often you will go a long way to blowing the garments! When it comes to unpainted natural linen, you do not have to worry about the bleaching effect.

Lined garments

Lined garments with many details such as buttons etc. you have to be very careful when washing. There is a great risk that the colors "bleed" over and discolor lining, etc. Perhaps the best method in addition to brushing and brushing is to remove these garments?

How do you usually wash your garments? We are happy to receive tips and ideas on other good washing methods.